Accredited members
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Country of residence: Serbia
Languages: Serbian

Country: Afghanistan
Country of residence: Germany
Languages: English, German
Country of residence: China
Languages: Chinese
Country of residence: Mexico
Languages: Spanish
Dadir Ruiz
Agile Team Coach at Pacífico Seguros, teacher at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC) and independent Facilitator/Consultant/Trainer on topics of agility, innovation and service design.

Dalia Svirmickiene

Country: Lithuania
Languages: Lithuanian
Country of residence: Germany
Languages: German
Daniela Ruland

Country: Germany
Languages: German
Country of residence: Germany
Languages: English, German
Edgar Alejandro Briseño Bonilla
Soy Edgar Briseño, interesado en las estrategias de cambio, comprometido con el futuro de la tecnología.

Country: Mexico
Languages: Spanish
Elisha Goldman
I currently run a team focused on project management and product management best practices and lead my companies’ Women in Tech Employee Resource Group.